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Stellaris: Ancient Relics Story Pack Download Free

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Description Stellaris - Ancient Relics Story Pack is a new story pack for Paradox Development Studio's iconic sci-fi grand strategy game, Stellaris. Uncover the ruins of long-dead civilizations in Relic Worlds to piece together the story of their rise and eventual downfall. Discover the best Game Key offers, compare prices to download and play Stellaris - Ancient Relics Story Pack at the best cost. Battleblock theater® download. Compare the CD Key price from merchants all around the world. Activate CD Keys on your Steam client to download the games and play in multiplayer or singleplayer. GAMIVO is a platform to find, compare and buy digital game keys.Only verified and trusted merchants can.

  1. Stellaris Ancient Relics Dlc
  2. Stellaris Ancient Relics Story Pack

NOTICE: Requires the base gameStellaris in order to play.

NOTICE: Activation key mustbe used on a valid Steam account. Requires an internetconnection.

about the game

Stellaris: Ancient Relics Story Pack is a new story pack forParadox Development Studio's iconic sci-fi grand strategy game,Stellaris. Uncover the ruins of long-dead civilizations in RelicWorlds to piece together the story of their rise and eventualdownfall. Mine their derelict cities and ships to unearth thetruth, discover powerful relics and harness them for your ownempire's ambitions.

key features


about the game

Stellaris: Ancient Relics Story Pack is a new story pack forParadox Development Studio's iconic sci-fi grand strategy game,Stellaris. Uncover the ruins of long-dead civilizations in RelicWorlds to piece together the story of their rise and eventualdownfall. Mine their derelict cities and ships to unearth thetruth, discover powerful relics and harness them for your ownempire's ambitions.

key features

Encounter two new Precursors, or ancient and extinctcivilizations, each with their own anomalies. Players caninvestigate these to understand who they were and, moreimportantly, what one can learn from their demise.
Once teeming with life, these Relic worlds now lie dead,covered with desolate ruins and dormant mysteries. Players cancreate archeological sites to explore these remains and bring tolight powerful relics and artifacts.
Learning from history is much more than parables and antiques,it can often be the key to understanding one's own place in thegalaxy. Utilizing archaeological research, discover MinorArtifacts, a new resource type which can help empower one'sempire.

Stellaris Ancient Relics Dlc

Hit the dirt on a variety of enigmatic and alien worlds withmore archeology sites available for your empire to study… orplunder.

Stellaris Ancient Relics Story Pack

System requirements

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